Elegant Opulance
| Lavender Blush #e0c0c0 | | Gray #e0e0e0 | | Gray #c0c0c0 | | Lemon Chiffon #e0e0c0 | | Gray #a0a0a0 | | Gray #f0f0f0 |
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How are the colors chosen? We take 5 related images from Yahoo Image Search and then show the most prominent 6 colors from each image. Each column of colors is taken from a single image.
How are the color schemes useful? Our color schemes site provides the color code, such as #f0f0f0, which you can use in your web design or graphic design projects which involve color. Choosing the right colors to use on your web site has never been easier! You can take the color codes and use the color schemes right in programs like Photoshop, Dreamweaver, or Frontpage, or even directly in HTML code. We also provide the convenient color names beside each color. If you are choosing interior paint colors to use in your home, this site can also give you great color ideas.