Piano Practice Podcast
This podcast is where I record myself practicing jazz piano, and
post the recordings on the net.
How to Listen:
- Launch iTunes Player (free
download here).
- In the Advanced menu, select Subscribe to Podcast.
- Enter the feed URL (below) in the text box and click OK.
Feed URL:
Or if you prefer, you can access the podcast from the iTunes music
store by clicking
About Me:
I'm Geoff Peters, a jazz
piano enthusiast from Vancouver, BC, Canada. I have also posted a lot of
my piano practices in
MIDI format, which are better if you don't have a fast Internet
These are practices, where I am learning piano. They are not
performances, and are not supposed to be nice to listen to. The purpose
of this podcast is to give piano practice ideas to people learning the
piano. If you would like to hear some of my performances (which are
nice to listen to!), visit
my band's web site by clicking here.
I appreciate your support. If you find this Podcast useful, consider giving me a small donation.
Donations can be made through Paypal by clicking below.
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.