Baby Name Guesser
It's a boy!
Based on popular usage, it is 2.474 times more common for O'brien to be a boy's name.
The popularity of O'brien is: 5.579
(where 0 = extremely rare, 6 = super popular)
I am not aware of any deceased famous people named O'brien.
Names with similar statistics to O'brien:
- Henry
- Alexander
- Green
- Ed
- Miller
- Robert
- Martin
- Charles
- Anderson
- William
- David
- Thomas
- James
- Frank
- Lawrence
- White
- Fisher
- Phillips
- Chris
- Richard
- Dean
- Gray
- Scott
- Williams
- Carl
- Thompson
- Wong
- Palmer
- Howard
- Kennedy
- Stone
- Davis
- King
- Wilson
- Wang
- Gilbert
- Lewis
- Morgan
- Joseph
- Terry
- Gordon
- Campbell
- Clark
- Young
- Adams
- Bradley
- Cole
- Barnes
- Mills
- Walker
- Alex
- Baker
- John
- Blue
- Peterson
- Stewart
- Curtis
- Wright
- Edward
- Hill
- Murray
- Evans
- Walter
- Ross
- Al
- Roberts
- Arthur
- Morris
- Nelson
- Ryan
- Ray
- Moore