Baby Name Guesser
It's a boy!
Based on popular usage, it is 4.541 times more common for O'keefe to be a boy's name.
The popularity of O'keefe is: 4.879
(where 0 = extremely rare, 6 = super popular)
I am not aware of any deceased famous people named O'keefe.
Names with similar statistics to O'keefe:
- A. J.
- Olympia
- Emerson
- Rogers
- Edward
- Nixon
- Price
- Barnes
- Don
- Fred
- Peterson
- Richardson
- Cole
- Newton
- Guy
- Tom
- Mcdonald
- Weaver
- Jonathan
- Roger
- Joe
- Ben
- Joseph
- Curtis
- Dj
- Bob
- Gunther
- Sam
- Reid
- Wolf
- Dixon
- Ray
- Bond
- Kerry
- Pink
- Stuart
- Raymond
- Gregory
- Darcy
- Burns
- Louis
- Stone
- Peter
- Duncan
- Brady
- Adam
- Bradley
- O'connor
- Ali
- Blue
- Morgan
- Dan
- Howard
- Holland
- Hansen
- Cameron
- Richard
- Christian
- Phillips
- Blair
- Gilbert
- Wong
- Fisher
- Lonely
- Alfred
- Walter
- Mom
- Barry
- Bernard
- Harry
- Lincoln
- Todd