Baby Name Guesser
It's a boy!
Based on popular usage, it is 1.586 times more common for O'neal to be a boy's name.
The popularity of O'neal is: 4.585
(where 0 = extremely rare, 6 = super popular)
I am not aware of any deceased famous people named O'neal.
Names with similar statistics to O'neal:
- Reynolds
- Yang
- Porter
- Music
- Robertson
- Hart
- Johnston
- Patterson
- Foster
- Brooks
- Austin
- Mason
- Hunter
- Liu
- Day
- Quinn
- Red
- Ward
- J.c.
- Burton
- Magic
- Crawford
- Armstrong
- Harrison
- Warren
- M-j
- Lim
- Chapman
- Watson
- Berry
- Mccarthy
- Natural
- Doyle
- Ellis
- Stevens
- Sanders
- Robin
- Carroll
- Richards
- Chang
- Wallace
- Garcia
- Perry
- Morrison
- Lin
- Lindsay
- Hughes
- Shaw
- Grant
- Jamie
- Rich
- Huang
- Franklin
- Abbott
- Sullivan
- Wu
- Bell
- Lane
- Bailey
- Bishop
- Elliott
- Olson
- Davies
- Butler
- Ferguson
- Ford
- Bates
- Collins
- Harvey
- Chan
- Davidson
- Jenkins