Baby Name Guesser
It's a girl!
Based on popular usage, it is 61.921 times more common for O'riley to be a girl's name.
The popularity of O'riley is: 5.517
(where 0 = extremely rare, 6 = super popular)
I am not aware of any deceased famous people named O'riley.
Names with similar statistics to O'riley:
- Sunshine
- Jane
- Margaret
- Betty
- Barbara
- Karen
- Anne
- Nancy
- Maria
- Italia
- Carol
- Anna
- Ann
- Jennifer
- Ruth
- Judy
- Linda
- Julia
- Wendy
- Amy
- Alice
- Patricia
- Lisa
- Susan
- Sarah
- Sally
- Ellen
- Virginia
- Michelle
- Kate
- Dior
- Laura
- Marie
- Jenny
- Louise
- Christine
- Heather
- Rachel
- Frances
- Vista
- Emma
- Caroline
- Sophie
- Server
- Martha
- Cathy
- Janet
- Jill
- Sara
- Paula
- Lucy
- Sandra
- Eva
- Marilyn
- Annie
- Florence
- Sylvia
- Cindy
- Attila
- Mary
- Daisy
- Donna
- Claire
- Valerie
- Teresa
- Beth
- Earth
- Catherine
- Christina
- Liz
- Edith
- Audrey