Baby Name Guesser
It's a girl!
Based on popular usage, it is 6.488 times more common for O'toole to be a girl's name.
The popularity of O'toole is: 5.192
(where 0 = extremely rare, 6 = super popular)
I am not aware of any deceased famous people named O'toole.
Names with similar statistics to O'toole:
- Potter
- Can
- Henderson
- Elaine
- Win
- Grace
- Media
- India
- Joyce
- Whitman
- Time
- Andrea
- May
- Joan
- Memory
- Marion
- Plan
- Polly
- Vale
- Micro
- Web
- Jackie
- Sandy]
- Die
- Sandy
- Will
- Alison.
- Had
- Dewey
- Basil
- Clooney
- Agent
- Beasley
- Video
- Kitty
- Penny
- Joy
- Shirley
- Just
- Jo
- Qui
- Sharon
- Alison
- California
- Pearl
- Digital
- Thatcher
- Ana
- Tingle
- Lady
- Muir
- Martineau
- Clare
- Where
- Than
- Carmen
- April
- How
- Test
- Ew
- Michele
- Tracy
- Press
- Hannah
- Lynn
- Ruby
- Dawn
- Did
- Fig
- Class
- Sexy
- Marian