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The Latest Jokes - Page 23


The 16th tee featured a fairway that ran along a road. The first golfer in a foursome teed off and hooked the ball. It soared over the fence and bounced onto the street, where it hit the tire of a moving bus and ricocheted back onto the fairway. As they all stood in amazement, one of the golfer's friends asked, "How did you do that?" The golfer shrugged. "You have to know the bus schedule."
    0.0% funny


What do you get when you cross a duck and crackers? A box of quackers!
    0.0% funny


A friend will help you move. A great friend will help you move the bodies.
    0.0% funny


A man was sitting at the counter with a dog next him. Another man Walks by and looks at the man and the dog, "Excuse me" the man started, "Does your dog bite?" The man at the counter responds, "No, not at all" So the other man reaches to pet the dog, and the dog bites the man. "OW, I thought you said your dog doesn't bite!" The other responds, "I know, but that's not my dog."
    0.0% funny


what is pink and fluffy? pink fluff
    0.0% funny


knock knock. who's there? lettuce. lettuce who? lettuce in, it's raining!
    0.0% funny


once there was frog who needed a loan. So he went to the bank and visited his loan officer, Paddy Whack. She asked what he was going to put up for collateral. He took a brass statue out of his pocket. Paddy Whack said, "what is that?" and the frog said, "its a knick knack paddy whack now give the frog a loan."
    0.0% funny


In the beginning, there was nothing. Then god said "let there be light!" and there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a lot better.
    0.0% funny


"My dog has no nose." "How does he smell?" "Awful."
    0.0% funny


you're so ugly, you make onions cry.
    0.0% funny


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how do you make a apple turnover ? push it down a hill

Google didn't laugh at this joke, and the joke's funniness percentage is: 43.5435%

The joke's popularity is: 4.522
(where 7=super popular, 1=not popular)
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Humor detection is easy with the power of Google. It uses the Google SOAP API for PHP to do its magic. This site is not affiliated with Google.