Make Google Laugh

The Latest Jokes - Page 31


what do you call a good looking scientist? a hotalogist.
    0.0% funny


whats blue and white and swings through the trees,a fridge in a wrangler jacket
    0.0% funny


this guy went up to a concession stand and looked at the menu, after several minutes he finally said, "if its nacho cheese then who's is it?"
    0.0% funny


I attended a party this past weekend. After checking out all the well-dressed guests at the party, I spotted an attractive woman (standing alone) across the room. When I approached and asked her name, She coyly replied... "Carmen." Trying to maintain some sort of conversation with her, I responded with "That's a beautiful name, Is it a family name?" "No," she replied. "I gave it to myself, because it reflects the things I like most in the world - cars and men." Then she asked, "What's your name?" "Golftits," I replied.
    0.0% funny


My dog has no nose! Then how does he smell? Awful!
    0.0% funny


A man walks into a bar and says oww
    0.0% funny


what's the difference between an apple and an orange.....well you can't fit an elephant in a canoe!
    0.0% funny


Why'd the chicken cross the road? To avoid the traffic.
    0.0% funny


What's the movie about? Two hours.
    0.0% funny


What would you do for a Klondike bar? I'd go to the fridge!
    0.0% funny


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Random Joke:

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror like his passengers.

Google laughed, and the joke's funniness percentage is: 50.6767%

The joke's popularity is: 4.124
(where 7=super popular, 1=not popular)
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Humor detection is easy with the power of Google. It uses the Google SOAP API for PHP to do its magic. This site is not affiliated with Google.