Make Google Laugh

The Latest Jokes - Page 39


Do you know what I don't get? Invited to Parties!
    0.0% funny


if Barbie is so popular why do u have to buy her friends
    0.0% funny


The trouble with the rat race is, even if you win, you're still a rat.
    0.0% funny


why is 6 afraid of 7? because 7 8 9
    0.0% funny


Why did the one handed man cross the road? To get to the second-hand shop
    0.0% funny


why is 6 afraid of 7? numbers can't get scared
    0.0% funny


Why coundn't the pirate go see the movie? Because in was rated ARRRRRRR.
    0.0% funny


Knock Knock Whos there? Boo Boo who Don't cry its only a joke
    0.0% funny


A man in a non-smoking home says, "Well, I think I'll step out for a breath of fresh smoke
    0.0% funny


what did the duck say to the bartender when he walked ino the bar? -I love you
    0.0% funny


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Why do Spanish air hostesses wear gum boots? Because the rain in spain is always on the plane.

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Humor detection is easy with the power of Google. It uses the Google SOAP API for PHP to do its magic. This site is not affiliated with Google.