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The Latest Jokes - Page 63


how did mario tell the future? he used a luigi board.
    0.0% funny


Fettuccini Alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults.
    0.0% funny


there are three kinds of people in the world. the ones who can do math and the ones who can't.
    0.0% funny


a blonde calls up her boyfriend and asks him to help her with a puzzle. What's the puzzle supposed to be of, the boyfriend asks. The blonde replies, a tiger. the boyfriend tells her he'll be right over. when he gets to her house, she shows him the box to the puzzle. He looks at it and tells her, Honey, we need to put the frosted flakes back into the box.
    0.0% funny


why did the fly fly? Because the Spider Spied Her
    0.0% funny


What did the dog say when it walked into a bar? Woof.
    0.0% funny


What happens to a politician when you give him viagra? He grows taller.
    0.0% funny


Why did the baby throw a clock out the see time fly
    0.0% funny


Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.
    0.0% funny


what do you call a cyclops with glasses? Two eyes!
    0.0% funny


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Why did the horse cross the road? It was going to see its neeyyybor.

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Humor detection is easy with the power of Google. It uses the Google SOAP API for PHP to do its magic. This site is not affiliated with Google.