Make Google Laugh

The Latest Jokes - Page 66


horse walks into a bar. barman says "why the long face?"
    0.0% funny


Why is 6.. afraid of 7... 'cause seven ate nine...
    0.0% funny


knock knock. Whose there. No one. No one who ........
    0.0% funny


what do we do with dead chemists? we barium.
    0.0% funny


where do cows go for fun? the moovies
    0.0% funny


Why did the janitor ask the teacher to marry him? he swept her off her feet
    0.0% funny


a horse walks into a bar and says hay bartender
    0.0% funny


dont tell me the skys the limit when theres foot steps on the moon
    0.0% funny


Where do the bees go to the bathroom? At the bp station!
    0.0% funny


What did Baby corn say to Mom corn? "Where's Popcorn?"
    0.0% funny


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Random Joke:

Funny Headline: Eye drops off shelf

Google laughed, and the joke's funniness percentage is: 97.3624%

The joke's popularity is: 4.941
(where 7=super popular, 1=not popular)
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Humor detection is easy with the power of Google. It uses the Google SOAP API for PHP to do its magic. This site is not affiliated with Google.